CORONAVIRUS: clients are kindly asked to comply with the following rules.
Dear Clients,
Given the extraordinary legislation brought into force by the Government in regard to the Coronavirus pandemic, the following guidelines will be applied:
- Psychologists’ offices will remain open and follow the same rules as Healthcare staff;
- hygienic prevention measures have been improved and deep cleaning of the office is carried out at the end of each session;
- the use of hand sanitiser and soap in addition to face coverings and 1.5 meters of social distancing are currently compulsory policies;
- the clients going to attend a session should not have feverish symptoms or cough; in which case it will be possible to schedule a therapeutic session on the phone, Skype or What’sapp platform.
© Dott.ssa Lara Termini - Teglio Veneto (VE) Piazza G. Marconi 34/7
P.iva: 04354150270
Lara Termini
Psychology and Neuropsychology, Therapy, Consultation office